Fellow Patriot:

       In a recent interview, AFL-CIO Executive Vice President Arlene Holt Baker placed the "blame" for pro-gun laws on (you guessed it) . . .

       . . . "conservative, right-wing policies."

       The AFL-CIO's Baker went on to say that "stand your ground legislation passed in Florida and . . . in a number of other states" was the work of a coalition of pro-gun legislators and groups from around the country.

       You know as well as I do that YOU are responsible for passage of pro-gun legislation -- calls, emails, faxes, petitions and post cards.

       If you want to watch the entire sickening video, please click below. To save you some time, the highlights are at these marks: 0:20, 1:32, 1:50, 2:15 and 3:25.

       In freedom,

       Dudley Signature
       Dudley Brown

       P.S. Could you chip-in $15 or $20 to help the National Association for
       Gun Rights keep turning the heat up on Anti-Gunners?

       Please fill out the donation form below.

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