Dear Fellow Patriot,

Please sign the Petition to Florida Governor Rick Scott below demanding he oppose ALL changes that would weaken Florida’s Stand Your Ground Self-Defense Law.

If Stand Your Ground Self-Defense is gutted in Florida, the anti-gunners will be coming next to your state to do the same.

You and I need to stand shoulder-to-shoulder to defend our right to self-defense -- RIGHT NOW!

Thank you!

Dudley Brown
Executive Vice President

To Florida Governor Rick Scott:
Oppose the Weakening of Florida's
Stand Your Ground Self-Defense Law

Whereas:     The Second Amendment to the United States clearly states that the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed, and;

Whereas:     Florida's Stand Your Ground Self-Defense Law protects victims who wish to fight back against their attacker, and;

Whereas:     Rick Scott's Stand Your Ground "task force" may recommend gutting Florida's Stand Your Ground Self-Defense law, and;

Whereas:     If Florida's Stand Your Ground Self-Defense Law is gutted, the anti-gun lobby will use the same tactics to gut pro-gun laws in other states;

Therefore:    I urge you to publicly oppose weakening of Stand Your Ground Self-Defense in Florida -- and vow to fight it -- at every opportunity.

First Name:    
Last Name:    
Email Address:    

The National Association for Gun Rights is dedicated to protecting your Second Amendment rights.  We will never stop fighting the constant onslaught of anti-gun legislation from Sarah Brady's cronies in Congress, but overcoming such a well-financed enemy is a difficult battle.

Only with the financial support of grassroots gun owners can the National Association for Gun Rights prevail in the fight for your rights.  Please make a generous contribution.

Copyright 2012 National Association for Gun Rights