National Association for Gun Rights - Louisiana Petition

Amendment 2 was overwhelmingly passed by Louisiana voters in 2012 to strengthen and protect the right to keep-and-bear arms.

But even before the dust settled, Governor Bobby Jindal signed two anti-gun schemes into law, HB-717 and SB-135.

These anti-gun bills, which were signed last year and became law earlier this month, should concern every gun owner in Louisiana.

They are designed to label as many law-abiding residents of Louisiana like you "crazy" in order to strip you of your gun rights using the ruse of mental health.

These new laws require the state gather up the names of virtually anyone who meets their criteria of being "mentally ill" and forwarding them off to the National Instant Criminal Background Check (NICS) system.

Let me explain ...

Under existing law, if you're merely accused of being "mentally ill" by "anyone of legal age," you can already be slapped under a microscope by a court.

That accuser could be a neighbor with a grudge, your counselor, or even someone who disagrees with your politics -- anyone!

All they have to do is convince a judge they're right and you're wrong, and you could be ordered to receive inpatient treatment.

Jindal's new law assures that if that happens, you'll also be striped of your gun rights and have your name entered into the NICS system without due process.

If you can't afford an attorney, too bad.

Worse, it could be a lifetime ban because once you're name is in their system, it can be nearly impossible to get your name off.

Now, the National Institute of Health recently concluded that nearly half of all Americans will have a so-called "mental health" issue at some point in their lifetime.

Make no mistake. President Obama, and Billionaire Michael Bloomberg know this is their ticket to stripping you of your right to keep-and-bear arms for good.

The laws Jindal signed further erode the Second Amendment and due process rights of law-abiding Americans and harm a large class of vulnerable and non-violent individuals.

Not to mention, they go against the new Louisiana Constitutional Amendment protecting the right to keep-and-bear arms.

Now that the gun grabbers' know where Governor Jindal really stands, it's a virtual certainty they'll be back for more this year.

In a few weeks, lawmakers will be back in Baton Rouge.

After last year, there's no telling which anti-gun scheme they'll sign off on next.

That's why I need you to sign this petition right away to help convince Governor Bobby Jindal and your state lawmakers to stop passing and signing anti-gun bills into law.

Thank you.

For Freedom,

Dudley Brown, Executive Director, National Association for Gun Rights

Dudley Brown

Executive Vice President

National Association for Gun Rights

Stop passing and signing new gun-control laws in Louisiana!
To members of the Louisiana State Legislature and Governor Bobby Jindal:
Whereas: President Obama, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, and their gun control allies are trying to impose their radical anti-gun agenda on residents of Louisiana; and,
Whereas: The Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, clearly states "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."; and,
Whereas: In 2012, Louisiana voters OVERWHELMINGLY approved stronger language solidifying the right to keep-and-bear arms in the State Constitution; and,
Whereas: Gun rights supporters like myself strongly oppose all gun control, and are paying close attention to any State Legislator who votes for new unconstitutional gun control schemes and all gubernatorial actions on them.
Therefore: Therefore, as a citizen of Louisiana, I URGE you to oppose, vote against, or veto all anti-gun schemes, including those sold under the ruse of "mental health", and to support, pass, and sign meaningful pro-gun reforms at once including a repeal of existing and recently passed anti-gun laws.


National Association for Gun Rights (NAGR)

The National Association for Gun Rights, Inc. is a non-profit, tax-exempt advocacy organization under section 501(c)4 of the IRC. Contributions or gifts to NAGR are not tax deductible for IRS purposes. Not paid for at taxpayer expense.

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